Dreaming of Quitting Your Job? How to Know it is Time to Resign

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Do you dream of quitting your job? If you are considering resigning and looking for something else, you are not alone.

Most people stay in a job too long due to indecision.

If you are thinking about leaving your job, it is probably time to make a move.

Over the past year, people have given a lot of thought to their jobs. Particularly for those of us who’ve spent multiple rounds in and out of lockdown, it’s given us time for reflection.

For some, we’ve realised how much we appreciate our jobs.

For others, especially those made redundant, we realised this might be an excellent opportunity to make a move, perhaps even to a different industry.

Of course, now that many businesses are looking at ending work from home arrangements, this gives us another factor to consider. Some companies have been very quick to transition employees back to the office full time.

After 15+ months of working from home this is a big change. Not everybody appreciates this quick about face.

Given these factors, if you are considering resigning and looking for something else you are not alone.

I’ve worked with thousands of job seekers over the years. Based on my experience, most people stay in a job too long.

Many people toy with the idea of leaving their job long before taking action. They daydream about quitting.

In fact, I’ve met plenty of individuals who’ve told me they imagine themselves doing what we see on television, blowing up spectacularly in a meeting. Or dropping the mic and storming out unannounced.

While it’s entertaining when it happens on screen, exiting a job impulsively and dramatically in real life is not a good idea.

Doing so would burn bridges and set you up for long-term negative career repercussions.

If you’re thinking about quitting your job, take the time and really make some conscious decisions before taking action.

Here are a few things to consider that might make the decision a little easier:

Awesome Companies Don’t Guarantee Awesome Colleagues

Working for a company is different than working for a specific department.

A company may have a well-known reputation. But that doesn’t mean every department within the company is going to be as exciting, innovative, or fun as the company brand indicates.

To a large extent the department you work for dictates your attitude toward work.

Ask yourself just that: Do I look forward to going to work every Monday?

Following up on that: Do I look forward to seeing my colleagues when I get into the office?

The expression “one bad apple spoils the bunch” applies to work groups as well.

The people that surround you have the greatest impact on your overall workplace happiness and job satisfaction.

Research indicates employees are not loyal to companies.

If anything, employees are loyal to one another. So, if you’re not looking forward to spending time with the people you work with, it may be time to consider a move, either to another department or to another organisation.

Milestones Cause Questions

Personal circumstances greatly impact job resignations.

While a spouse’s transfer or the need for a flexible schedule are common reasons to seek alternate employment, other personal situations play a part as well.

Major milestones often prompt us to think about changing careers.

For instance, many people have expectations as to what they want to accomplish in their 20s.

A 30th birthday may prompt someone to start thinking about homeownership and lead to a job change.

Employees in their 40s and 50s are often driven to consider how their jobs will impact their retirement prospects.

High school reunions, promotions, and work anniversaries are also common times of reflection that get people thinking about whether to stay in their current job or pursue other opportunities.

Are You Stagnant or Learning?

When I first start working with a client, I ask a lot of questions about their feelings towards their current job, such as:

Are you bored with your day-to-day activities?

Do you feel like you’re treading water?

Are you doing the bare minimum to collect a paycheck?

Have your performance reviews mentioned you’re underperforming? Or do you think you’re underperforming?

Are you learning anything new?

These questions and many more get job seekers to start thinking about why they want to leave their current role.

It’s important to understand what is motivating you to consider a move.

The world is fast paced and changing all the time. Ideally, in any job you should be learning something new. If you aren’t learning new skills, you are in danger of becoming obsolete.

On the flipside, if you are not acquiring new knowledge and expanding your abilities, you risk becoming bored and complacent and not performing to your full potential.

All of these are valid reasons to consider making a change.